Green Burial

Beyond the gathering gardens is a green burial cemetery. Each gravesite becomes a raised bed, full of flowers, food, and medicinal plants, providing for the family of the beloved and the community.

Burials in the cemetery will center ecological methods and celebrations, including biodegradable caskets, handmade shrouds, and animal-pulled wagons, alongside fresh flowers and food.

Each gravesite will be turned into a small garden. Plants will be chosen with input from family and friends. Food, flowers, medicine and materials harvested from these garden plots will serve the family, the community, and the larger events and infrastructure of The Church Of Flowers.

For example, grave-grown willows may serve to weave a casket for a future burial, a bouquet of flowers from the gravesite for a family member’s wedding, or an armload of free medicine plants might be harvested and given away at a community workshop.

The goal of integrating food, joyful ritual, open public space, and community events with a cemetery is to link the place of the dead with the everyday, to make literal some of the metaphorical concepts like from death comes life. This burial space will help us recognize our dead in new forms.

By literally tending our dead we hope to cultivate nourishment, joy, healthy grief, and possibility.

Once we have established ownership/stewardship on the land and acquired appropriate permitting through the state, we will begin burials in the cemetery.

If you would like to purchase a cemetery plot for yourself or for the future burial commons fund for those in need of financial support with funeral costs as part of our fundraising campaign for land acquisition, please contact us




The Nursery